Monday, March 26, 2012

'कहानी' फिल्म के खलनायक बॉब विस्वास का चरित्र चित्रण

बॉलीवुड की बेहतरीन प्रस्तुति 'कहानी' दर्शकों के दिलो दिमाग पर छा गयी है; साथ ही छा गया है इसका किरदार बोंब बिस्वास. आज जरूरत है इस किरदार के व्यक्तित्व के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर अध्ययन करने और उन्हें समझने की.

१. विनम्र एवं शिष्ट: अपने शिकार को शिकार बनाने से पहले वह भारतीय परम्परा से नमस्कार कहना और मुस्कुराना नहीं भूलता था. आज के समाज में जहां गाली-गलौज और बदतमीजी को झूठी मर्दानगी की निशानी माना जा रहा है, वहाँ बोंब का शिष्टाचार हमें अपने भीतर झांकने को मजबूर करता है.

२. कम साधन में अच्छे परिणाम: लोग समझते हैं एक सफल हत्यारा बनने के लिए अत्याधुनिक बंदूकें और किसी बडे आपराधिक संगठन का हिस्सा होना जरूरी है. ऐसे मिथकों को झुठलाते हुए सिर्फ एक छोटी पिस्तोल से वह अपना काम अकेले काफी खूबसूरती से अंजाम देता था.

३. मितभाषी: वह कम से कम बोलता था. बॉलीवुड के खलनायकों की यह परम्परा रही है कि किसी को मारने से पहले लम्बी चौड़ी डायलौगबाजी करते हैं. आज की भाग-दौड़ भरी ज़िंदगी में इतना बोलने का वक़्त किसके पास रहता है! इसलिए बोंब बिना कुछ ज़्यादा बोले लोगों का काम तमाम करता था.

४. अहम् रहित स्वभाव: उसका बॉस उसे दिन भर बात-बात पर डांटता रहता था. पर इससे उसके अहम् को कभी चोट नहीं पहुंची. वह अपमान और सम्मान की तुच्छ भावनाओं से ऊपर उठ चुका था. वरना अपने बॉस को मर्त्यलोक पहुँचाना उसके लिए बाए हाथ का खेल था. पर एक सच्चे कर्मयोगी की तरह वह उसी की जान लेता था जिसकी जिम्मेवारी उसे सौंपी गयी है.

५. शांतिप्रिय: उसकी बन्दूक में हमेशा सायलेंसर लगा रहता था. जब जान एक इंसान की लेनी है तो बाकियों की नींद क्यों खराब करनी!

६. सादगीपसंद: ना तो मोगैम्बो की तरह चटक-मटक वाले कपडे और एसिड के तालाब, और न ही अग्निपथ के कांचा चीना की तरह विलायती सूट. एक साधारण शर्ट और पैंट. और कुछ भी नहीं. 

७. जहाँ चाह वहाँ राह: लोग कहते हैं कि ऑफिस की व्यस्तता के कारण वो अपना शौक़ पूरा नहीं कर पाते, चाहे वो संगीत का हो या बाईकिंग का. पर बोंब आम लोगों से हटकर था. उसकी दिली तमन्ना थी कि वो पैसे लेकर लोगों की ह्त्या करे. और अपने इस शौक़ को पूरा करने के लिए उसने रास्ता निकाल ही लिया. 

हम ध्यान से देखें तो पायेंगे कि बोंब जैसे खलनायको में फिल्मो के नायको से ज़्यादा गुण होते हैं. बस ज़रूरत है उन गुणों को पहचानने की और अपनी ज़िंदगी में उतारने की. 

कॉपीराईट: आलोक रंजन (कृपया लेखक का श्रेय चुराने का कष्ट ना करें. )

Saturday, March 10, 2012

THE RAZOR’S EDGE: a story about questioning the desires

We have heard there is a right time for everything. I feel Somerset Maugham’s novel THE RAZOR’S EDGE has arrived in my life at the right time. After having a near death accident last year, I have been struggling with some questions which have shaken the mankind from time to time. The main character of this novel, Larry Darrell, goes through a similar situation in his life and takes an unconventional direction to find the answers. I could identify with him.

The novel’s name has been taken from THE KATHA UPANISHAD, an ancient and popular Indian spiritual text, which says that the spiritual path is as difficult as passing over a razor’s edge. The storyline is based on the nature’s law as told in the UPANISHADS that we are what our deepest desire is. Our life moulds itself according to what we really want from deep within. And that’s what finally happens with the four major characters of the novel.  They get what they were actually looking for irrespective of the fact whether their desires were constructive or self-destructive.

These four main characters represent some of the personalities we come across in our lives.Larry Darrell, who after seeing his best friend getting killed in front of his eyes in a war starts reanalyzing his life and what he wants from it. He questions the popular wisdom which says that life is truly lived by earning money, having a new car every year, having fun, and gaining a social status. If life can be lost in a moment without any warning, what is the real significance of what we are doing? That question keeps haunting him. So, he goes for a spiritual journey starting with ‘loafing’ in Paris and ending in the monasteries of India. After getting the answers he comes back to live in the real world because ‘it is easy to be a monk on a mountain top’. His character is similar to Nachiketa from THE KATHA UPANISHAD, who goes to Yama seeking the answers of questions on the same theme.

Isabel is the second character who is deeply in love with Larry. But when Larry tells her about his plans for a spiritual journey, she realizes that her love is deeper for a palatial house, diamond necklaces and a tamed rich husband. She leaves him and marries a man who matches her list of expectations. Life takes an unexpected course, and her husband loses all his money which leads to the kind of life she never wanted to live. Years later, when she meets Larry again she cannot curb her emotions. She tries her best to gain his love, and destroys the woman Larry was planning to marry. After doing all this, she cannot help singing about her ‘true love’ for Larry.

Sophie is the third character and the woman destroyed by Isabel. Life has been cruel to her from the very beginning. She loses her husband and son in an accident, making her extremely depressed. She drowns herself into drinking, drugs and meaningless sexual relationships. When she meets Larry, she gets one chance to start it again and rebuild her life. But Isabel comes in her path and seduces her back to drinking and self-destruction. Finally she dies a gruesome death.

Elliott is the fourth character whose only aim is to become a part of all aristocratic parties and brag about the furniture in his house and his family lineage. He befriends only those who can help him climb the ladder of social eminence, and looks down on those who are at the lower rungs of it.   On his deathbed, his major regret was that he was not invited at a Queen’s party happening in his city.

As the storyline comes to an end, all four characters get what they were looking for. Larry gets wisdom and happiness; Isabel gets back a luxurious life; Sophie gets death; and Elliott gets social eminence. Each of them is a success story. But the definition of success has varied from person to person.

The author nowhere demeans those who are after materialistic pursuits. Actually his attitude is more of an observer rather than a judge. These characters also put a strong contrast to Larry who takes a very rare and courageous direction in life.

THE RAZOE’S EDGE is a nice treat for those who are looking for meaning in life beyond materialistic pursuits. They may not get final answers here, but they may get a taste of what it’s like searching for the answers.  At the end of the book, there is a long conversation between the author and Larry where he shares what he found during his spiritual journey in India. His findings are not merely based on the religious texts he has read, but also on the spiritual experiences he had during intensive meditation. To repeat, he is not the person who has just read about it, but the person who has also experienced it.

The book has also been adapted into movies twice. I feel both of them are very nicely made, but I liked the 1946 version more. It’s more extensive and covers the essence of the book in a much better way. The other version (starred by Bill Murray) skips a lot of things and changes the story a bit while taking creative leaps in adaptation.


The 1946 version movie available on youtube:

Larry’s meeting with the Indian Guru:

Trailer of the movie starred by Bill Murray:

PDF copy of the book:

Something about the accident I had: