You always manage to give a secret glance at her whenever she is around. And, fortunately, you find that she also is watching you with ample interest. Then she starts behaving as if she was actually lost in her own thoughts. Or, she might also decide to pretend as if she was looking at somebody or something else.
If you ignore her for a while, she becomes restless and starts trying to make you feel her presence. There are many ways to do so. She might begin with talking to her friend loudly, or making fun of somebody in a voice audible to you no matter you are sitting twenty five meters far from her. In the canteen, she might ask you whether there is salt on your table even though it might be relaxing on her own table or somewhere under her reach. If nothing else works, then she will pass nearby you ignoring the other one dozen shorter cuts available to her.
Well, things might turn other way round also. If you become overly interested or desperate then she starts acting hard to get. Then she would hardly take care of your presence. She won’t come to canteen for her dinner at the same time when you come. In a nutshell, she would become totally ignorant about whether you exist in this world or not.
The case is serious, and you need to do something urgently. And, the best thing to do is to do nothing. Just forget everything about her. Make your mind fully understand that she has ceased to exist. Do what she is doing to you. Be completely indifferent. If you do it sincerely, then again you would become able to snatch your power back to you.
The most interesting thing about all this is that not even a single word has been spoken so far. Everything is happening in gestures and through body language which keeps building the sexual chemistry. This silence is the spice of the whole game. You have to silently observe her moves and then react, again tight-lipped. Well, there is a time when the silence must be broken and you would need to take the help of words to proceed further, and begin a good friendship (and romance, in some cases).
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